Nursing Abuse Home

What is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse occurs when residents of long-term care centers suffer physical, emotional or psychological damage due to negligent or intentional acts of their caregivers. A nursing home or other long-term care facility can be held responsible for nursing home abuse for insufficient care, neglect of screening workers, insufficient employee supervision, and insufficient maintenance of Facilities.

The rights of the residents of nursing homes depend on how the facility is regulated. A resident of a center participating in the federal Medicare program has the legal right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical, mental abuse, and the use of restrictions on punishment or convenience (restrictions can be used for the Safety of residents or other residents). Residents of non-federally regulated facilities have rights under state right.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

There are many types of nursing home abuse, including; physical abuse such as hitting. Mental or psychological abuse such as verbal abuse. Neglect in the nursing home like not treating ailments, not checking in on the patient, etc. Sexual abuse can unfortunately happen also. And we hear about exploitation in nursing homes, where the caregivers manipulate the residents and take their money, etc.

Elder Law can Fight Nursing Home Abuse

Elder abuse is an area that often involves litigation, especially injury lawsuits against asylum operators, family members, or others responsible for older adults. If you have reported signs of elder abuse and have, in vain, you might consider talking to a senior solicitor attorney about your legal options.