Nursing Abuse Home

How to Report Nursing Home Abuse

Once a person has discovered signs of abuse, he has a duty to report the incident. If the person is a physician, social worker, or other form of government employee, the person is required by law to report cases of abuse in the asylum. There are also specific states that require all citizens, regardless of their vocation, report alleged abuse of the nursing home. It is important to have specific details of elderly abuse or neglect by reporting nursing home abuse.

You can report nursing home abuse by finding your state resources page of the National Center on Elder ABuse (NCEA) by the Administration on Aging (AoA) to find the proper authority to make the report to. You can most likely find the phone number and even other contact methods such as address and additional websites.

After Making a Report You May Want to Hire an Attorney

Even after making the report, most families will hire an attorney to help solidify their case. An attorney helps ease their mind that the process is going to go as smooth as possible, given the situation.

Finding a new nursing home is usually next on the list. An experienced attorney can most likely help you in determining what requirements you should have for this next nursing home, as they have experience in what a nursing home should NOT do.