Nursing Abuse Home

Signs of Possible Nursing Home Abuse

Unfortunately, seniors are often vulnerable to various forms of nursing abuse like physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, financial abuse or exploitation, and neglect or self neglect. Often, the only person in a position to help is the one who is committing the abuse, which can consist of professional caregivers, friends or even close relatives. Older people, in those cases, often feel trapped and alone.

Signs of Physical Abuse

Signs that there is possible abuse can include; burns on the skin, broken bones, bruising, hair loss, malnutrition, weight loss, a fearfulness to talk about the nursing home openly, being scared of their caregivers, denial of problems and injuries, and much more.

What is most important is that you see the changes in your family member, the resident, and that you act accordingly.

Signs of Mental Abuse

Mental, or psychological and emotional abuse, can happen often also. Is your family member showing more stress? Have they become nonresponsive? Are they showing a new irrational behavior?

Financial Abuse in Nursing Homes

Elder financial abuse is basically defined as the illegal or improper use of a person's assets. Assets such as bank accounts, property, etc. Be on the lookout for family members suddenly showing up, new names being added to any accounts, revisions to wills and estate plans, etc.

Watch out for self neglect also

It is the caregivers responsibilty to NOT less this happen. If you see your family member is neglecting their own well being, and that there is nothing being done by the nursing home, you might have a case on your hands. A resident showing signs of this type of ongoing neglect that is NOT being handled, is a sure sign that there is not the necessary care being given to the resident.